March 23 Pearl

March 23 Pearl

I attended my first death today. It never ceases to amaze me at the finality of death. The person is not there anymore. There is no presence, it’s a lifeless body.

With no blood flow to the periphery their hands turn white. The family is grieving and saying goodbye to mom. It’s an honor to be a part of the process. Supporting the family, calling the funeral home, reminiscing with the the family.

It was hard for the family to watch the funeral home roll the body out of the house on the cart. I stood with the patients husband in the driveway as they drove her away. The husband waved and said thanks for the journey. They were married 58 years.

The family was grieving appropriately and there were forms to complete.

It was such a precious time to get to be with the family. It felt like I was part of the family. The husband wanted to go down and knock on two of the neighbors doors and tell the women who were close friends to the patient.

I walked down to each house with him to invite the ladies over to see their friend who had passed.

I left there tonight, not with a heavy heart, but a sense of fulfillment and completeness. I like the sense of completion that comes with a death that was peaceful.

The Pearl today, the death of the saints is precious in the eyes of The Lord.

It was a precious night with a precious family. These experiences with the family are worth more than any money can buy, and yet, I get paid to do it. Wow.

They say if you are doing a job your called to do it doesn’t feel like work. I have to say the current job does not feel like work. I am blessed richly. I have been given more than I can carry, my cup overflows.

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